4 rue de Monnières - 39100 Foucherans
+33 03 84 79 27 23
Company name : ADDITIF SYSTEME
Address : 4 rue de Monnières
ZIP code : 39100
City : Foucherans
Legal status : SARL
Siret : 391 175 866 00022
Intra-community VAT : FR76 391 175 866
RCS : Lons-le-Saunier 391 175 866
Share capital : 80 000,00 €
Phone : +33.33(0)3 84 79 27 23
Email : contact[at]additif-systeme.com
Publishing director : Bernard POURCHET
You are informed of the collection of personal data by additif-systeme.com. The purpose of these treatments is the communication and external information of additif-systeme.com.
These data are based on the legitimate interest of the controller, in accordance with Article 6-1-f of the European Regulation of 27 April 2016.
Cookies may be placed on your client computer, with the purpose of facilitating the connection to the website, audience measurement, and social networking cookies (such as Facebook) without overlapping with other treatments such as the client file. The shelf life of this data is maximum of 13 months.
You have a right of access, rectification or cancellation or opposition that you can exercise with additif-systeme.com to the coordinates indicated above or by mail to contact@additif-systeme.com, besides a right of complaint with the CNIL located Place de Fontenoy - TSA - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07.