Jumbo – Film unwinder by Additif Système France

Additif Système has developed a complete range of Jumbo unwinders to meet all your needs: for both top and bottom films, easily use spools of Ø 800, 1000, or 1200!

Located in Foucherans (39 Jura, Franche-Comté), Additif Système manufactures its film unwinders, especially for food production lines.


Ideal when the rear of the thermoformer is accessible.
This Jumbo system features a detector and a nearly empty spool support. This allows for reel changes during downtime. Handling the reels is made simple with a specially designed trolley for easy maneuvering.
The productivity gains are proven, with no process interruptions, all while ensuring safety. The arm opening allows for side loading of the reel, even in very limited space.


For 400 kg reels with 10,000 linear meters, ideal for a thermoformer, a lidding machine, or a Flow Pack machine.
This Jumbo features a patented film adjustment system, allowing precise film guidance close to the thermoformer without inertia, as well as a detector and a connection table.
Handling the reels is made simple with a specially designed trolley for easy maneuvering.


From 200 to 800 kg, easily handle and load your reels.
The success of the "Jumbo" for years has made it an essential system upstream of your thermoformer. Handling reels from 200 to 800 kg is done effortlessly in record time.
Productivity gains, no process interruptions, all while ensuring safety.


Ideal for installation under a slicer, elevator, or conveyor, while maintaining easy access to the reel. This Jumbo features a patented film adjustment system, allowing precise film guidance close to the thermoformer without inertia.
Handling the reels is made simple with a specially designed trolley for easy maneuvering.

The key benefits of the Additif Système jumbos :

  • Simple and quick installation on all types of new or existing machines
  • Productivity: Prevents process interruptions (reduces the number of film changes), reduces film waste (both top and bottom)
  • Hygiene: Reduces operator movements, eliminates the need for wooden pallets in the workshop
  • Washable system made entirely of stainless steel, suitable for foam cannon cleaning
  • Safety: Eliminates risks associated with handling large reels, enhances operator comfort
  • Increased autonomy:
    o 8 times more autonomy for a Ø 800 mm reel compared to a Ø 300 mm reel
    o 14 times more autonomy for a Ø 800 mm reel compared to a Ø 300 mm reel